Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy Association
We would like to announce to you the Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies Association, which we established in Ankara in order to contribute to the development and widespread of cognitive behavioral psychotherapies, which stand out in terms of scientific, applicability and usefulness among today's psychotherapy approaches.
The primary goal of the Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies Association is the implementation of cognitive behavioral psychotherapies by suitably qualified professionals in ideal standards and appropriate environments. For this purpose, to ensure the dissemination of information about cognitive behavioral psychotherapies; organizing national and international cognitive behavioral psychotherapy trainings, courses, congresses, continuing education meetings as well as conferences and symposiums; Participating in other scientific education activities, national and international congresses and meetings, and trying to represent cognitive behavioral therapists in national and international scientific congresses and meetings will be among the primary goals of our association. In parallel with these activities, we will also carry out studies to determine the necessary conditions for the training and certification of cognitive behavioral therapists and to ensure that therapists meeting these conditions are officially recognized (accredited) by the authorized institutions.